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(480) 818-9660

Over 130 Years of History

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"With a rich history of more than 130 years, the Mesa Chamber of Commerce has remained committed to bringing top-of-the-line networking opportunities to the community. Existing to improve, promote, and advocate for businesses in Mesa, the Chamber offers a wide variety of programs and events throughout the year to ensure local success. " (source:

Why We Joined The Mesa Chamber of Commerce

Pressure Power Pros was started in the city of Mesa, the largest suburb of Phoenix, Arizona. Entrepreneurs Rachelle and Isreal have lived and operated in the Mesa area for years. In 2022 they became proud members of the Mesa Chamber of Commerce. As current members of the BBB and ASRB, the Mesa Chamber was a great addition. Rachelle says "We love Mesa and I have been part of the Mesa Chamber for another business. We are so excited to be rejoining the Chamber under Pressure Power Pros."

Power Washing Mesa

Visit A Taste of Mesa Networking Event

If you are a Mesa business owner, we highly recommend the Mesa Chamber. They are very well established in the business community. Check out their event calendar to attend a networking event, maybe we will see you there.

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American Services Review Bureau
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Better Business Bureau Accredited

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